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November 2006 Archives

November 1, 2006

Tangible Essence

The coolest thing in my mind, about the minimal laptop form in this installation by Samantha van def Werff, is that the technology exists today to implement a fully functional version.

Note to self: Break out that MC33794 E-Field sensor development kit and start playing.

Photo Details:

designer Samantha van der Werff
department Man and communication
project Schaduw en geraamte
photo Miep Jukkema

November 8, 2006

Sillyphone Cycoling

Wouldn't it suck if a driver followed these safety tips and flattened a cyclist or two because they stayed in the right-hand lane, where driving may be less demanding?

...or just a pedestrian or two? At least they're softer and would be less likely to scratch your paint-job.

November 10, 2006

One Minute Make File

Lately, I've been doing a lot of tutorial, documentation and demo crafting at work. Nothing fancy, just screen capture stuff with annotations. I'm an engineer first...

Seeing Bre's weekly Make videos develop has got me wanting to do more and different things. Hard to believe it's been fifteen years since the last documentary soundtrack work and ten since my last orchestral performance.

Enter the One Minute Make File:

  1. Take one minute. No more; no less.

  2. Pick a mini-tutorial topic.

  3. Record the material.

  4. Edit to fit one minute.

  5. Slap on a Creative Commons license.

  6. Post it.

Time to get exercising those creative muscles again!

November 15, 2006

Archi-temporal Fabrication

Originally uploaded by brucesflickr.
Seeing the brick/mold in this picture of Bruce's got me thinking. What if buildings and/or monuments incorporated some sort of second, environment-driven structural element?

...Think of large caverns with stalactites and stalagmites formed by millenia of mineral-rich drips of water.

...Or the ultra-slow flow and crystalization of man-made glass.

...Or a field of petrified wood.

As one volume errodes and decays, a secondary structure could be revealed, possibly even reinforced as time goes by.

November 24, 2006

Sun Through Shaded Window

Sun Through Shaded Window
Originally uploaded by aplumb.
Winter is finally settling in. Once the temperature drops below freezing, the skies clear up and eventually the snow will come... At least I HOPE the snow will come. I hate it when the temperature endlessly hovers around freezing.

I'll take deep-cold-but-calm-and-sunny over thawed-but-cloudy any day.

November 30, 2006

Gartner Report on Greener Electronics

Slowly but surely, the message is getting out that electronics designers and manufacturers need to push forward on the greening of technology.

Meike Escherich, a principal research analyst at Gartner, has written a report [via] outlining the challenges ahead. As more countries raise the bar what are acceptable levels of toxic materials in the manufacturing processes and final products available to the general population, companies need to adapt and innovate now or face an ever-shrinking market for their 'wares.

Haven't found a link to the report itself yet...

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to engineous in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2006 is the previous archive.

December 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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