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Open Captioning the Apple

When the Apple falls on the TV, will anyone read between the lines?

What if iTunes were to start serving up properly closed-captioned video?

The QuickTime video format already supports it and the upcoming Leopard release will have enhanced captioning support for accessibility. If their video content had captions there would be no good reason why iTunes wouldn't be able to search the caption text directly and return links to those points in the video.

It's not just about checking off that box beside "accessibility requirements" for the subset of our population that is deaf and hard-of-hearing.

It's a potential profit multiplier, reinforcing the cycle of choice.

1. Make it easy for me to find what I'm looking for.

2. Make it easy for me to share what I've found with others.

3. Make it easy for me to find what I didn't know I was looking for.

...oh yeah, I almost forgot...

0. Let me buy video content through iTunes Canada already!!


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